Why Buying The Most Expensive Home Is A Mistake

Would you want to buy the cheapest home in the most expensive neighbourhood, or the most expensive home in the cheapest neighbourhood? As a real estate agent, I would advise you to buy the cheapest home in the most expensive area. And why? So when you buy the cheapest home in the most expensive area, you have the opportunity to add value to that home.

That's not gonna outweigh the value in the homes that surround you. So if the comparable homes in the area are right during X amount of dollars, and all of a sudden you bought a home like this, again, the surrounding comps aren't going to match what your value is to your home. So again, if you're adversely, buying the cheapest home in the nicest area, you have the opportunity to increase the value as well as the value will be increased based off of the surrounding homes for comparables.